Stuck for a Christmas present or even if you just want a diversion from the toils and troubles on the farm, "Farming is a Funny Business" provides the answer.
The book is a collection of over 300 jokes and anecdotes from contributors all over Scotland. It will surely dispel the view that farmers are dour and uncommunicative and equally it will remove the thought that farming has a monopoly on pessimism.
It provides proof there is a lot of fun in the farmyard, at auction sales and agricultural shows; in fact wherever farming folk meet.
The author: Andrew Arbuckle was born and brought up on a family farm in North Fife later taking over the tenancy of the unit from his father. The farm specialised in growing seed potatoes and malting barley with cash crops of sugar beet and strawberries. On giving up the tenancy, he moved into full time journalism working as agricultural editor with the Courier in Dundee. A spell as a Member of the Scottish Parliament followed before once again picking up his pen and writing about the agricultural industry he loves.
Over 100 pages, including colourful cartoons.